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TS Anne-Marie Hilsdon

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Dr Anne-Marie Hilsdon, Research Fellow

1. Work experience

Anthropology Mentor, National Vietnam University, Hanoi Sept 2023-June 2024

  • Assisting Academic staff and PhD student publishing in their research
to international standards
  • Supporting academic capacity strengthening in their teaching pedagogy; teaching in English
  • Supporting Academic staff and PhD students to apply for external grants and scholarships for research in English
  • Assisting VNU academic journal to achieve international status
  • Implementation of Gender Equality Impact Grant for women academics.

Anthropology Mentor, National Vietnam University, Hanoi Feb 28 – March 21, 2020; September-November 2022.
  • Facilitating online workshops in Academic English
  • Mentoring staff in writing in English: comment edit and proofread English academic articles for publication in international refereed journals
  • Completion of two 8 week academic English online workshops with National Vietnam University academic staff
  • Reviewed six articles for publication in International refereed journals.
Independent Scholar                                                                                                                     March 2020-
Project: writing a creative non-fiction work in memoir genre from my life of work and study abroad.
Research Adjunct, Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE),
Curtin University, Perth Australia,                                                                                            January 2013-ongoing
  • Contribute to existing CHRE research programs including annual examination of student theses.
  • Offer a regional (Southeast Asian) dimension to CHRE research on refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
  • Undertake collaborative work on projects with CHRE on refugee and migrant workers’ rights in Southeast Asia.
  • Apply for collaborative CHRE grants.
  • Contribute to the advocacy and activism of CHRE in working with a diverse range of community and civil society groups.
  • Exchange extensive knowledge in all fields of human rights and social justice.
  • Contribute to CHRE research networks
  • HDR supervision and mentoring junior staff 

Academic and Curriculum Mentor University of Health Sciences, Vientiane, Laos, June 2019 –
  • Increase the teaching and research capacity of Faculty staff relating to gender and the law.
  • Mentoring Faculty staff for English language Masters and PhD programmes applications abroad
  • Mentoring Faculty staff for IELTS tests for English Language Masters, PhD and Medicial Residency programmes abroad.
  • Workshops on English for Research
Academic and Curriculum Mentor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, National University of Laos, Vientiane, Laos, April 2019 –November 2019
  • Increase Faculty capacity in research and curriculum development in dissemination of the law and legal education
  • Increase the teaching and English language research capacity of Faculty staff relating to gender and the law.
  • Mentored four academic staff for International English Language Higher degree scholarships;
  • Conducted a workshop for University academic staff on gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming curricula.
  • Coaching university academic staff in writing research funding proposals in English
  • Gender consultant on gender training for staff of university associated NGO for women’s development and legal education
Gender Specialist: Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria, South Africa, April 2017 – October 2018
  • Conduct a gender audit of all existing ISS research, training, policy advice and technical assistance activities
  • Conduct a gender audit all ISS project and core donor agreements, with particular reference to UNSC Resolution 1325;
  • Convene and chair regular internal ISS gender forum meetings
  • Report on work done with regards to mainstreaming gender in the ISS via internal reporting structures
  • Publish at least one written piece per quarter on relevant gender related topics;
  • Review and advise the ISS in relation to internal policies and practices and gender mainstreaming within the organization;
  • Advise and inform the ISS’s research, training, policy advice and technical assistance activities to ensure an appropriately “gendered” perspective; and
  • Assist and support Divisions in the design, implementation and reporting on mainstreaming gender projects in the institutional key results areas.
  • The Gender and Human Security in Africa monograph is completed and will be launched at a high-profile event by the Director for UN Women in March 2019 in Pretoria
  • I have been gender consultant to a considerable number of research proposals, training curricula and other publications.
  • There are staff members that understand gender-mainstreaming and appreciate the importance of continuing this work
  • We have a functional gender forum which meets monthly to continue efforts at mainstreaming
  • Excom have allocated Rand 250 000 to continue the work of the Gender forum and other gender activities in 2019 which could be supplemented by programme funding
  • The ISS officially remains committed to Gender Mainstreaming, which if handled strategically, could yield further positive developments.
  • Conducted a successful gender audit of all human resources policy
  • Developed gender sensitivity training workshops for staff

Research Development Officer: Faculty of Social and Political Science Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia,                                                                           June 2015-June 2016.
  • Develop faculty institutional research and high degree planning and implementation
  • Strengthen research profiles of University staff publishing in English
  • Improve the international publication and dissemination of research
  • Advise on university research policy making
  • Developed a strong productive relationship with the Head of Research
  • Communicated successfully in conversational Bahasa Indonesia
  • Nominated and mentored 10 academic staff for International Higher degree scholarships; five were successful
  • Conducted three workshops for University academic staff publishing in English in high impact International journals.
  • Follow up coaching of 10 university academic staff for publication in English  in high impact international refereed Journals; five have been successful so far.
  • Mentored Faculty academic staff in preparation to apply for International PhD scholarships. Ten completed research proposals in English.
  • Implementation of a Faculty wide weekly research only day  for academic staff
Research Development Officer, Muhammadiyah University, Sulawesi, Indonesia             Jan 2014-5
  • Develop institutional research planning and evaluation
  • Strengthen research methodologies of University staff
  • Improve the dissemination of research informing policy
  • Developed a strong, productive relationship with the Head of Research.
  • Communicated successfully in conversational Bahasa Indonesia; used interpreters where necessary
  • Completed a University Master Research Plan in collaboration with Head of Research, study program heads, faculty deans, vice rector academic and rector.
  • Nominated and mentored five academic staff members for Australian Award PhD scholarships: one shortlisted to complete PhD at Australian National University (ANU)
  • Conducted workshops in writing research proposals, and writing and publishing research articles: 20 research proposals submitted for funding and 12 research articles submitted for national and international publication.
  • Developed university research policies e.g on plagiarism and research ethics ratified by university administration 
Member, Australian Civilian Corps, AUSAID, Canberra                                                    May 2013-
  • To accept deployments to conflict and postconflict situations abroad to assist local governments redevelop infrastructure
  • To undertake advanced training for deployment in sensitive areas
  • Supervise students Honours, Masters and PhD theses
  • Coordinate, write and teach units in human rights, development studies, gender studies, communications, anthropology and sociology, Asia and Africa and research methodology.
  • Coordinate the sociology and anthropology teaching program
  • Direct a research unit on the study of societies in change.
  • conduct research in Southeast Asia
  • innovative work in e-scholarship derived from teaching practice
  • the development and delivery of a Faculty core unit for 1,000 students
  • successful supervision of many Honours and HDR students
  • successful planning major conferences,
  • successful grant applications, undertaking field research, giving papers at invited international workshops, and writing and publishing articles in prestigious journals

Associate Professor in Gender Studies and Deputy Director of the Centre for Gender, Culture and Development, Kigali Institute of Education, Rwanda                                                                 2011-2012
  • Developed, implemented and managed the Masters of Gender and Development Teaching and Research Program in English (85 students, 7 staff). This included:
    • Mentoring and coaching academic and general staff on university teaching and research programs and their administration.
    • Reformulating university teaching and research policies and, developing new policies  to meet the needs of the Centre. 
    • Writing research and consultancy grants, conducting research, presenting conference papers and publishing articles
  • Lecturing and thesis supervision in the Masters Programme   
  • Providing high level advice on gender and human rights at workshops, conferences and in training programs for government and non government officials and academics in East Africa
  • Trained Rwandan government officials in qualitative research methodologies
  • Negotiated with academic chancellery over several key issues of Centre  development
  • Successfully coordinated a Masters Thesis Program in English for 45 students.
  • Successfully coordinated a Masters Teaching Program in English of 6 units for 85 students
  • Successfully applied an inquiry based student centred learning style developed in Australia to the cultural setting of Rwanda. 
  • Provide leadership in restructuring the university teaching programs
  • Restructure the teaching program 2009-2010 in line with the Teaching and Learning enabling plan 2009-2013. My Teaching & Learning work is especially shown through:
  • Development of a new professional Masters (Masters in National Security).
  • Development of four new majors in the Social Science Degree Program (Sustainable Development, History, Anthropology and Sociology, International Relations)
  • Invigorated anthropology and sociology, and international relations programs as evidence by increases in enrolments.
  • Restructuring the degree program for progressive skills development over three years; and increased articulation with honours, masters and PhD programs.
  • Successfully recruited and managed staff during a period of uncertain job security as evidenced by the increase in staff collegiality and ownership of majors resulting in successful completion of the Social Science program restructure and website development for student recruitment.
  • Development of flexible modes of delivery of majors, increased interdisciplinarity and co-teaching of units; use of flexible/blended learning (a combination of offline and online strategies)
  • Build networks with NGOs
  • Develop and write applications for research grants
  • Organise and plan conference panels and international workshops
  • Present research papers to an academic audience
  • Won several research grants from AUSAID and ARC (Australia Research Council)
  • Conducted a successful international workshop on Human Rights, Gender and Religion in Asia as evidenced by publishing a collection of articles as a journal special issue.  
  • Successfully organised and convened panels at University conferences as evidenced by publishing a collection of articles as a journal special issue. 
  • Successful completion of individual field research, writing and presenting papers at invited international workshops and conferences, and publishing articles in prestigious journals

Lecturer, Humanities, Queensland University of Technology, Australia                                  1992-1993
  • Supervise students Honours, Masters and PhD theses
  • Coordinate, write and teach units in human rights, development studies, gender studies, anthropology and sociology, Asia and research methodology.
  • Coordinate the sociology and anthropology teaching program
  • Conduct research in Southeast Asia
  • Successful supervision of several  Honours, Masters and PhD students
  • Successful grant applications, undertaking field research, giving papers at invited international workshops, and writing and publishing articles in prestigious journals
Senior Research Officer , Cancer Prevention Research Centre, University of Queensland Medical School, Australia                                                                                                                                          Feb-Jun 1992
  • Manage and participate in research teams on several projects
  • Write up interview data into articles for publication
  • Successfully managed a large breast cancer research project (3,000 patients)at a busy city hospital
  • From supplied data, wrote up and published articles on skin cancer.
  • As part of an action research project, I planned anti-smoking programs, recruited participants and conducted ‘stop smoking’ discussion groups for heart attack and pregnant patients in a busy city hospital.  

2. Main research and teaching directions:

Research and teaching about Southeast Asia (the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia) and Africa on themes of human rights, migration, Islam, conflict and peace-building,  gender equality especially gender based violence –legal issues, gender and sexual torture, domestic violence, political violence.

3. Research achievements:

Refereed Journal Articles
Hilsdon, A. with F.Kristiani et al 2020. A Comparative Analysis of Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches to Estimate Dengue Disease Transmission in Bandung-Indonesia Journal of Statistics & Management Systems. 23:8, 1543-1559.

Hilsdon, A. 2017. Making Africa’s Schools Safer for Students and Teachers. ISS Today 21 July.

Hilsdon, A. & Donnenfeld, Z. 2018.Why African Health Policy Needs Gender Mainstreaming. ISS Today 16 January.

Hilsdon, A. 2009 Invisible Bodies: Gender, Conflict and Peace in Mindanao. Asian Studies Review vol 33 pp 349-365.

Hilsdon, A. & Giridharan, B 2008 Racialised Sexualities: The case of Filipina migrant workers in East Malaysia. Gender Place and Culture Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2008, 611–628.

Hilsdon, A. ed. 2007 Women and Agency: Asian Explorations. Special issue of The Australian Journal of Anthropology Vol 18, 2

Hilsdon, A. 2007. Reconsidering Agency – Feminist Anthropologies in Asia. The Australian Journal of Anthropology Vol 18, 2:127-137.
Hilsdon, A. 2007. Transnationalism and Agency in East Malaysia: Filipina Migrants in the Nightlife Industries. The Australian Journal of Anthropology Vol 18, 2: 172-193.

Hilsdon, A & Rozario, S. 2006  Introduction. Gender, Islam and Human Rights Women’s Studies International Forum special edition Vol 29,4:331-338

Hilsdon, A. 2006 Migration and human rights: The case of Filipino Muslim women in Sabah, Malaysia Women’s Studies International Forum special edition Vol 29,4:405-416

Hilsdon, A. 2003. What the Papers Say: Representing Violence against Overseas Contract Workers. Violence Against Women  Vol 9, No 6 (June): 698-722

Print Publications: Books, theses, book chapters
Books, theses, book chapters
Hilsdon, A. (ed) 2019 Gender and Human Security: African Perspectives. Pretoria: Institute of Security Studies.
Hilsdon, A &  Mufamadi, D. 2019  Engaging Men in Violence Prevention in South Africa: Issues and dilemmas. In A. Hilsdon (ed) Gender and Human Security: African Perspectives. Pretoria: Institute of Security Studies.
Hilsdon, A 2017. Shaping Gender Identities:  Educating Human Rights Leaders in Rwanda. In B Andreassen, T. Barasa and J.B. Ndohvu (eds.) Poverty and Human Rights: East African Experiences. Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
Hilsdon, A. 2012. Making Boundaries Permeable: the university experience through the social sciences. In A. Herrington, J. Scrape, and K. Singh (eds) Engaging Students with Learning Technologies.Curtin University: eScholar Program.
Hilsdon, A. 2007 The Musician, the Masseuse and the Manager: Sexy Mothers in Sabah. In T. Devasahayam and B Yeoh (eds) Working and Mothering in Asia. Singapore: Singapore University Press.
Hilsdon, A. 2006. Human Rights and Gender politics: Asia –Pacific Perspectives edited by A. Hilsdon etc. London: Routledge - paperback edition.
Hilsdon, A. 2003. Violence against Muslim Women in the Philippines.  In L. Bennett and L Manderson  (eds) in Violence Against Women in Asian Societies, Allen & Unwin.
Hilsdon, A. 2001. Doing God's Work: Sexuality, violence and the state in the Philippines. In M. Jolly and K Ram (eds.) Borders of Being. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
Hilsdon, A. 2000. The Flor Fiasco: the hanging of a Filipina Domestic Worker  in Singapore. In A. Hilsdon, M. MacIntyre, V. Mackie and M. Stivens (eds) Gender Politics and Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific. London: Routledge.
Hilsdon, A. 2000a Human Rights and Gender Politics:Asia- Pacific Perspectives edited by A. Hilsdon, M. Macintyre, V. Mackie & M. Stivens. London: Routledge.
Hilsdon, A. 1996. Madonnas and Martyrs: Militarism and violence in the Philippines. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Hilsdon, A. 1995. Madonnas and Martyrs: Militarism and violence in the Philippines. Quezon City, The Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University Press.
Hilsdon, A. 1992. Sex and the Military: Gender and Violence in the Philippines. Unpublished PhD thesis. Dept Sociology and Anthropology University of Queensland.
Project Topics hosted/participated (abroad, in Vietnam): Human Rights (The Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Southeast Asia), Gender Equality (Rwanda, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore,The Philippines, Southeast Asia).

4. Collaboration activities at VNU- game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng :

Co-teaching Anthropology ANT1100 Department of Anthropology
Currently mentoring two anthropology postgraduate students.
Assisted with Implementation of Australian Volunteers International (AVI) Gender Equality Impact Grant 2023-2024: Around 27 game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng academic women participated in leadership and research workshops and follow up mentoring activities. Fifteen academic women to submit completed articles to international journals.
Mentoring Project: Writing and Publishing in International Refereed Journals at game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng : One-on-one mentoring with 13 game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng academic staff.
Assisting with internationalization of VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Preparing the journal for inclusion in Scopus data bases.  English Language editing.  

5. Contact information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone number (if any):+8471557249
Note: Requirements of photo: Portrait size, good quality
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