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GS.TS Lynn Kwiatkowski

Chức vụ Giảng viên cao cấp
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Giới thiệu / kỹ năng

Lynn Kwiatkowski
Lynn Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., Professor of Anthropology

1. Summary:

Colorado State University, Department of Anthropology. Professor 2020-Present; Associate Professor, 2009-2020; Assistant Professor, 2003-2009

       -Affiliate Faculty, Women's and Gender Studies Program
       -Faculty participant, Graduate Certificate in Political Economy
       -Faculty participant, International Development Interdisciplinary Studies Program
       -Faculty participant, International Studies Major, Asian Studies Concentration, College of Liberal Arts

Graduate Degree Program in Public Health (MPH), Colorado School of Public Health (Global Health and Health Disparities). Professor 2020-Present; Associate Professor, 2014-2020; Assistant Professor, 2008-2014

Visiting Associate Professor, Doctoral Program on Sustainable Development Management, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia, in collaboration with Colorado State University, 2010

University of South Alabama, Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Associate Professor, 2000- 2003; Assistant Professor, 1994-2000

Food Program Specialist, Food and Nutrition Service, USDA, Alexandria, VA
Analyzed policy and regulation issues of Employment and Training work programs for Food Stamp Recipients. 1987-1988

Primary Health Care Volunteer, Peace Corps/Ministry of Health, Mayoyao, Ifugao, Philippines
Engaged in community organization in the areas of primary health care education, library development, and irrigation system development. 1984-1987

Group Therapy Program Coordinator, Mental Health Department, Harvard Community Health Plan, Boston, MA
Organized and coordinated all non-therapeutic aspects of a Group Therapy Program. 1983-1984

2. Main research and teaching directions:

Cultural Anthropology; Medical Anthropology; Gender Violence/Domestic Violence; Gender; Violence; Critical Development Studies; Global Health; Hunger; Southeast Asia; Vietnam; Philippines

3. Research achievements:


Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 1998 Struggling with Development: The Politics of Hunger and Gender in the Philippines. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
     1999 Co-published by Ateneo de Manila University Press, Quezon City, Philippines.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2021 Marital Sexual Violence, Care, and Shared Suffering in Vietnam. In M. Gabriela Torres and Kersti Yllö, eds. Sexual Violence in Intimacy: Implications for Research and Policy in Global Health. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 119-138.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2019 A “Wife’s Duty” and Social Suffering: Sexual Assault in Marital Relationships in Vietnam. Special Issue on Sexual Assault in Intimate Relationships. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 28(1): 68-84.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2016 Feminist Anthropology Approaching Domestic Violence in Northern Việt Nam. In Ellen Lewin and Leni M. Silverstein, eds. Mapping Feminist Anthropology in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Pp. 234-255.
     2019 Reprinted in R. Jon McGee and Richard L. Warms, eds.  Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History, Seventh Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Pp. 636-655.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2016 Marital Sexual Violence, Structural Vulnerability, and Misplaced Responsibility in Northern Việt Nam. In Kersti Yllö and M. Gabriela Torres, eds. Marital Rape: Consent, Marriage and Social Change in Global Context. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 55-73.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2015 Women, Embodiment, and Domestic Violence in Northern Vietnam. In Jennifer R. Wies and Hillary J. Haldane, eds. Applying Anthropology to Gender-Based Violence: Global Responses, Local Practices. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Pp. 15-28.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2014 Domestic Violence, Ethnic Diversity, and Political and Economic Change in an Upland Community of Vietnam. Special Issue on Intimate Partner Violence and Cultural Diversity. Alterstice: International Journal of Intercultural Research 3(2): 51-65.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2013 Globalization, Environmental Change, and Coping Strategies Among the Ifugao of the Philippine Cordillera Mountains. In Ludomir R. Lozny, ed. Continuity and Change in Cultural Adaptation to Mountain Environments: From Prehistory to Contemporary Threats. Series. New York: Springer. Pp. 361-378.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2012 Negotiating Battered Women’s Marginality in Health Care: Changing Approaches to Domestic Violence in Northern Vietnam. In Angela Browne-Miller, ed. Violence and Abuse in Society: Understanding a Global Crisis, Volume 4. London, UK, Denver, CO, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Praeger. Pp. 403-427.
Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2011 Domestic Violence and the “Happy Family” in Northern Vietnam. Anthropology Now 3(3): 20-28.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2011 Engaging the Challenges of Alleviating Wife Abuse in Northern Vietnam. Special Issue on Anthropological Encounters with Intimate Partner Violence: Reflections on Our Roles in Advocating for a Safer World (Jan Brunson, ed.). Practicing Anthropology 33(3): 32-37.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2011 Cultural Politics of a Global/Local Health Program for Battered Women in Vietnam. In Jennifer R. Wies and Hillary J. Haldane, eds. Anthropology at the Front Lines of Gender-Based Violence. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Pp. 139-163.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2011 Prolonging Suffering: Domestic Violence, Political Economy, and the State in Northern Vietnam. Gendered Perspectives on International Development (GPID), Peer Reviewed Working Paper #299. East Lansing: Michigan State University.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2010 Transnationalism and Gender Violence: Locating Discourses of Domestic Violence in Viet Nam. In GS.TS. Lương Văn Hy, GS.TS. Ngô Văn Lệ, PGS.TS. Nguyễn Văn Tiệp, and PGS.TS. Phan Thị Yến Tuyết, eds. Modernities and Dynamics of Tradition in Vietnam: Anthropological Approaches. Volume 1. [Dịch Chuyển Xuyên Quốc Gia Và Bạo Lực Giới: Định Vị Những Diễn Ngôn Về Bạo Hành Gia Đình Ở Việt Nam. Trong: Hiện Đại và Động Thái của Truyền Thống Ở Việt Nam: Những Cách Tiếp Cận Nhân Học. Quyển 1.] Nhà Xuất Bản Đại Học Quốc Gia Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh. Pp. 477-500.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2008 Fear and Empathy in Revolutionary Conflict: Views of NPA Soldiers among Ifugao Civilians. In Rosanne Rutten, ed. Brokering a Revolution: Cadres in a Philippine Insurgency.
Quezon City, Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University Press. Pp. 233-279.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2008 Political Economy and the Health and Vulnerability of Battered Women in Northern Vietnam. Special Issue on the Economics of Health and Wellness: Anthropological Perspectives (Donald C. Wood, ed.) Research in Economic Anthropology 26: 199-226.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 2005 NGOs, Power, and Contradiction in Ifugao, The Philippines. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 34(4): 385-436.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn and Lois West. 1997 Feminist Struggles for Feminist Nationalism in the Philippines. In Lois A. West, ed. Feminist Nationalism. London: Routledge. Pp. 147-168.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 1996 Health Care as Political Weaponry: Healing Bodies in Political Conflict. Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development 25(4): 385-417.

Kwiatkowski, Lynn. 1983 Update on East Timor. Cultural Survival Quarterly 7(3): 53-55.

Research Projects:


-Ha Noi
Conducted six weeks of ethnographic research focusing on domestic violence and change in health, societal, and legal arenas. 2017

-Ha Noi
Conducted six weeks of ethnographic research focusing on sexual violence in marriage. 2013

-Hoa Binh Province and Ha Noi
Conducted nine weeks of ethnographic research focusing on wife abuse among members of ethnic groups living in a highland province. 2010

-Ha Noi
Conducted four months of ethnographic research focusing on international development, state, and Vietnamese NGO health approaches to alleviating wife abuse, and injury and health of Vietnamese battered women. 2007, 2004

-Ha Tay Province and Ha Noi
Conducted seven weeks of ethnographic research focusing on gender relations, wife abuse, and conceptions of masculinity. 2000

-Ha Noi
Conducted two months of ethnographic research focusing on gender relations and gender violence. 1997

Ifugao Province, Philippines:
Conducted sixteen months of ethnographic research in Ifugao Province, the Philippines on hunger, gender, and international development. 1990-1993

4. Collaboration activities at VNU- game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng :

-Research affiliation with the Department of Anthropology, Vietnam National University, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi in 2017. Conducted six weeks of ethnographic research in Hanoi focusing on domestic violence and change in health, societal, and legal arenas.

5. Contact information:

Email: [email protected]

Phone number: 00-1-970-825-2525
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