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Tìm kiếm hồ sơ

GS.TS. Detlef Briesen

Số điện thoại 0385399793
Email [email protected]
Chức vụ Giảng viên cao cấp
Đơn vị Giảng viên thỉnh giảng người nước ngoài

Giới thiệu / kỹ năng

1. Summary:
- Work experience: Teaching at universities since 1990; realization of in total eight (international) research projects; project work, conferences, in part several-month stays for DAAD, EU, foundations like Volkswagenwerk, Gerda-Henkel, DFG, ZIM, etc. in numerous countries in Europe as well as North and South America, also in Ivory Coast and Vietnam, Laos, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and China, organization of several international conferences and workshops, comprehensive experience in university self-administration.
- Positions, scientific ranks and titles: Academic state exam 1985, PhD 1990, habilitation 1998, since 2010 teaching at Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, since 2010 DAAD counsellor for India/Vietnam.
2. Main research and teaching directions:
Main research
: development of societal space in modern and postmodern times
Teaching: in Germany international development since 1945, in Vietnam teaching for different departments of game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng
3. Research achievements:
   Main publications directly related to the expertise participating in teaching and scientific guidance at VNU- game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng :

Detlef Briesen/ Sigrid Baringhorst/ Arvind Das (eds.) (2015): Religion, Politics, and Media – German and Indian Perspectives. RAWAT New Delhi. 
Detlef Briesen/ Ulrich von Alemann/ Lai Quoc Khanh (eds.) (2017): The State of Law. International Perspectives. Düsseldorf University Press. 
Detlef Briesen (ed.) (2018): Armed Conflict and Environment. Nomos Baden-Baden 2018. 
Detlef Briesen (ed.) (2018): E-Governance and Administrative Reform in Germany and Vietnam. Göttingen 2018. 
Detlef Briesen/Pham Quang Minh (eds.) (2020): Collaboration in Water Management. Nomos Baden-Baden.
Detlef Briesen (ed.) (2021): Handbook of the Mekong Delta. Göttingen. 
Detlef Briesen/Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (eds) (2021): Times of Uncertainty. COVID-19 in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Nomos Baden-Baden.
Detlef Briesen/Pham Quang Minh (eds) (2020): Country Report Vietnam 2020,1: Vietnam as an Ageing Society. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Pham Quang Minh (eds) (2021): Country Report Vietnam 2021,2: Environmental Policy in Vietnam. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Pham Quang Minh (eds) (2021): Country Report Vietnam 2021,3: Vietnam as a Digital Society. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Pham Quang Minh (eds) (2022): Country Report Vietnam 2022,4: Overcoming the Legacies of War in Vietnam. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (eds.) (2022): Country Report Vietnam 2022,5: Women in the Vietnamese Society. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Wendelin Strubelt (2022): A New Beginning? Spatial Planning and Research in Europe 1945-1975. Campus Frankfurt/Chicago University Press. 
Detlef Briesen/Sarada Prasanna Das (eds.) (2023): Media, Politics and Environment: Analysing Different Experiences from Europe and Asia. Springer Heidelberg.
Detlef Briesen/Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (eds.) (2023): Country Report Vietnam 2023,6: The Labour Market in Vietnam. Hanoi.
Detlef Briesen/Le Thi Thu Giang/Nguyen Tran Tien (eds.) (2023): East Asia in the 21st Century. Searching for Chances of Symbiosis. Nomos Baden-Baden.
Detlef Briesen/Nguyen Vu Hao (eds.) (2023): Social and human development in Vietnam. Nomos Baden-Baden.
     Recent Important Conferences 
Detlef Briesen/Wendelin Strubelt: Spatial Planning in Europe. October 6 – 7 2022, Ernst-Reuter-Haus, Berlin, Germany, financed and organized by ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association, Germany.
Detlef Briesen/Sarada Prasanna Das: Media, Politics and Environment: Analysing Different Experiences from Europe and Asia. November 24 – 26 2022, Jawaharlal-Nehru-University, New Delhi, India, supported by DFG (German Science Association) and Institute for Governance, Policies and Politics (IGPP), New Delhi, India.
      Important Upcoming Publications and Conferences in 2024 and 2025
Detlef Briesen/Hue University of Sciences:  Problems of coastal areas in historical and international comparison: media, technical and political issues. Workshop in Hue (Vietnam).
Detlef Briesen/Andreas Klee/Angela D’Orazio/ Maria Prezioso/Wendelin Strubelt: The European Space between Consolidation and New Challenges. Spatial Planning and Research from 1975 to the Present. October 2024. Rome, Italian Ministry of Infrastructure. Financed and organized by ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association, Germany, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Italian Ministry of Infrastructure.
Detlef Briesen/Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (eds.) (2024): Country Report Vietnam 2024,7: Policy Implementation in Vietnam. Hanoi.
Lai Quoc Khanh (2024): Buddhist Education in Vietnam. Baden-Baden.
Detlef Briesen/Cam Anh Tuan/Dao Duc Thuan (2024): Archival Science and the Digital Transformation in Vietnam. Legal and Practical Issues for the 21st Century. Baden-Baden.
Nguyen Manh Dung (et al.) (2024): Creating Institutions for the Digital Transformation in Vietnam. Policies and Management. Baden-Baden. 
     Highlight project topics hosted/participated (abroad, in Vietnam): 
Several international research projects, in recent years on Media and Environment; supervision of actually seven Ph.D. candidates; work for the German Academy of Spatial Development in the Leibniz Association
4. Collaboration activities at VNU- game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng :
- Participation in teaching (name of the major, subject, or language teaching and name of the faculty): lectures and conference papers for History, Media Studies, Political Science, International Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, Archive and Management Studies.
- Scientific guidance (the number of students and postgraduate students under your guidance till now): PhD students from game đánh chắn online đổi thưởng in Germany
- Connecting training and scientific research cooperation with universities and scientific organizations around the world: organizing seminars, exchanging lecturers, helping students in internships; connecting lecturers and students to participate in international projects (in Vietnam and abroad).
German-Vietnamese developmental collaboration in higher education, improving quality and raising the profile of universities and their teaching staff, promoting the exchange of academics and students, advertising Germany as a location for science and research
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